Come, Holy Spirit

Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation. Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm. Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence. Replace the fear within us with a strong faith. Replace the bitterness within us with the sweetness of grace. Replace the darkness within us with a gentle light. Replace the coldness within us with a loving warmth. Replace the winter within us with Thy spring. Straighten our crookedness, fill our emptiness, dull the edge of our pride, sharpen our humility, light the fires of our love, quench the flames of lust. Let us see ourselves as Thous seest us, that we may see Thee as Thou hast promised, and be blessed according to Thy word: Blessed are the pure of heart, for the shall see God. (Damien-Dutton Society for Leprosy Aid, Inc. 616 Bedford Ave, Bellmore, NY 11710)

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I'm seriously considering switching back over to WordPress . . . this googling thing goes wonky when I want to simply read the comments . . . anyone else have that unnecessary lag time when you just want to read comments?  I don't want to have to sign in every single blast time I want to see the new comments.  Of course, they do show up in my email, but I don't want to have to sign in to that each time either.

On the upside:  my dilemma isn't whether I can afford to eat tonight.

That puts all this worldly stupidity into proper perspective.

What have you been up to lately?

I have been soul-deep in the Total Consecration . . . week five.  Almost done.  I decided to take the longer journey this year, but I don't think I will do that again in the future.  It's too long and it's making me cranky.  Of course, it's also been good for me.  Like a good health check-up it's been thorough.  I've always found it beneficial, don't get me wrong.  I've also learned I cannot possibly be "totally" consecrated over night.  This is only a beginning and a renewal . . . a resolve strengthener, if you will.  I'm walking this path every day . . . Mary will only lead me as long as I allow her.  Admittedly, I'm a very stubborn child.  She is on the road ahead of me, beckoning, when I dig in my heals (in other words, when I get distracted by the worldly cares).  I love that about Mary:  she never leaves me, but is always there, leading me along.  She even walks beside me, encouraging my every step.  I trust that she wants me to get to Jesus much more than I do at times . . . In my heart, YES, I want to be with Jesus, don't get me wrong.  It's just that, well, I'm weak.  I need Mary's help!

I need to be good so my kids have an example right in front of them as to how to go about the journey.

God, grant me the strength to go beyond desiring it.


  1. Sarah,
    I've been having the same problem with comments since they changed Blogger. I usually end up moderating them through e-mail because they don't show up on my blog.

    Your words about Mother Mary here are beautiful. I need her too.

  2. Plus, I never get the word verifications right anymore!

    1. The word verifications are terrible. My old eyes just cannot focus right on those things! I look at them and say what??!! Sometimes I can't even leave a comment on a blog because of multiple failures....

  3. Everything thing about google these days makes me want to quit blogging. Technology in general annoys me. I'd like to travel in time to a day without. A peaceful time without texting and emails. :-) enjoy your holiday.

  4. I've also been having trouble with blog platforms--and then when I try to comment at a Wordpress blog, it won't take my comments when I use my google address. Grrrrr!

    Thank you for your reflections on trying to be an example of faith for your kids--as well as trying to live it for your own sake. Prayers during the rest of your journey!

  5. sorry to hear about that! Switch-a-roo if you have too!
    Just let us know!

  6. Hi Sarah,
    I'm sorry but I HAD to tag you for the funny story meme going around. Your sense of humor has always made me laugh. I know you are in the middle of the Consecration to Our Lady but the post doesn't have to be offensive like mine is. I understand if you don't take part of course :)

    God bless!

  7. May Our Lady watch over you and yours.

    God bless.

  8. they have done some crazy things to blogger haven't they? I am still trying to figure it out and wondering if it's even worth it to try to blog again. I rarely have the time to sit and collect my thoughts enough to write anything. In answer to your question, I've been up to a lot lately, graduation, visiting family, spring cleaning and finishing school for the others. Drama. Really. We have a two week production coming up beginning next week. It will be a heck of a lot of fun, but prep is always yucky. Miss ya girl. Fit me in one of those prayers of yours :)

  9. I luvs WordPress, y'know. Very happy I made the switch last November.

    Don't be a stranger now!


  10. Hi Sarah. God bless you! I occasionally see what you're up to on FB. So sorry about Holly.....
