Well, well, well. It has been a mighty long time since the last time I put my fingers to the keyboard for this blog. I've had an itch to write for a while now, but life has been somewhat busier than I could imagine. Any of you who know me in real life or know me via Facebook know what I have been up to anyway (so all the catching up in the world might be a bit on the daft and ridiculous side of things, but bare with me).
We are into our summer time. Teenie (Rachel) is going to complete her last day of summer PE tomorrow. Initially, since her 9th grade year she has neck issues that left her unable to participate in PE during the school year(s), but FINALLY the doctors said "we cannot find anything wrong with her so we cannot medically document a single condition that would legally keep her out of PE requirements for graduation". I understand that, and, she is doing 11 days of summer school PE to get her requirement credit so she can graduate with her class next May. My goodness, another kid of mine all grown up. I cannot handle it! Well, I reckon I will just have to, yeah?
Her SAT's and state tests are quite well done so university is hers for the taking. In fact, some schools are already ringing us up. Good gravy. Makes us all nervous.
The island of O'ahu is (still) treating us kindly. We will wave "aloha" next summer, however, and trek back to Maryland. With just five years left before the thirty year retirement marker, I can honestly say: It's been one heck of a ride, but I'm ready to hang my hat in my OWN home some time in the nearest of futures. I am not unhappy with my life . . . I only have today, and I'm grateful for the wonderful life I've had thus far. God has been far kinder to me than I deserve.
My sister, her daughter, and my brother will be joining us this coming Saturday for a holiday here. I'm so looking forward to a sibling gathering! I have a new camera and I'm not afraid to use it or upload our adventures here once again.
I don't know why I quit blogging last year . . . it doesn't matter. It's for me or not at all, yeah?
Aloha, friends.
Come, Holy Spirit
Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation. Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm. Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence. Replace the fear within us with a strong faith. Replace the bitterness within us with the sweetness of grace. Replace the darkness within us with a gentle light. Replace the coldness within us with a loving warmth. Replace the winter within us with Thy spring. Straighten our crookedness, fill our emptiness, dull the edge of our pride, sharpen our humility, light the fires of our love, quench the flames of lust. Let us see ourselves as Thous seest us, that we may see Thee as Thou hast promised, and be blessed according to Thy word: Blessed are the pure of heart, for the shall see God. (Damien-Dutton Society for Leprosy Aid, Inc. 616 Bedford Ave, Bellmore, NY 11710)
Looking forward to more meaty info than the snippets I devour on Facebook ;) LOL!